eHealth Vision

Creating EA Blueprint and Roadmap for ehealth Implementation in ADB Member Country’s Ministry of Health

CC&C has pioneered in delivering better health outcomes using WHO’s health framework and powered by TOGAF and ArchiMate standards to deploy eHealth Architecture in ASEAN countries

Health Industry Challenges / Pain Points

  • Aging population
  • Increasing cost of health care
  • Short supply of health infrastructure/resources
  • Demand for affordable UHC (Universal Health Care)
  • Lack of coordination between public and private health care
  • Challenges posed by Pandemic situations
  • Absence of architecture/interoperability

Why CC&C

Thought leadership

Creation of a set of readily usable artifacts and templates based on best practices of
TOGAF9, COBIT5 and WHO tool kit as the basis.

Training and skills enhancement

Customised EA Training including TOGAF and ArchiMate in Mongolia, Malaysia and Bhutan which were highly acclaimed.


EA advisor and mentor for REACH (Regional EA Council for health) set up by AeHIN involving 16 countries in Asia to steer ehealth initiatives in the region.

Health project initiation / acceleration 

Creating eHealth EA blueprint and roadmap for eHealth implementation in Bhutan through WHO and ADB. Was selected through an international competitive tender for completing a project in 6 months.

Knowledge transfer

Demonstration of health EA through practical case studies such as Drug Safety Presentation and discussions on key technology topics in expert hour sessions

CC&C Commitment

Passionate commitment to in improving health outcomes through EA in developing economies in Asia exhibited through a variety of voluntary, no obligation / no cost contributions to skills enhancement.

Role of AeHIN

  • Not for profit organisation set up in Manila / HK
  • Great leadership by health professionals passionate about change and reform
  • Supported by WHO
  • Guiding principles under UN Charter for SDG (sustainable Development Goals)
  • Funding from ADB, World Bank / German Aid / UN etc.,
  • Focussing on health skill GAPS (Governance, Architecture Projects and Standards
  • Set up REACH (Regional EA Council for health) and inter-operability labs

ASEAN Regional Issues in Healthcare

  • No free flow of goods and services in healthcare across the region
  • Lack of information sharing and interoperability or common repository for health information
  • No focus on standards or best practices in health information
  • Citizens demand affordable UHC (Universal Health Care)
  • Tension between public and private health care
  • Priorities not rightly set at the national level
  • Funding not uniform / nor coordinated
  • Lack of governance
  • Political uncertainties / interferences

Overall Benefit of CC&C Partnership

CC&C partnering with AEHIN through a flexible and outcome-based approach, has contributed to the overall skills enhancement of e-health architects in Asia who are now ready to localise and implement digital e-health programmes in each country in the region, as per its own pace and maturity.